Get Control of Your Eating

You don’t need more discipline or will power. You need to get clear on WHY you’re overeating, and understand what you can do to change the pattern.

You’re not addicted to food, or obsessive compulsive or “broken,” you’re out of balance. 

As a Certified Health Coach, Licensed Nutritionist, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I can help.

You know it’s time for you to stop mindless, emotional and “stress” overeating.

We eat for three reasons:  Fuel, Fun, and to Fix a Feeling.  Each of these are valid and important, and if you’re short changed in any of them, you’ll overeat trying to fill that “hole.”

It’s my job to work with you personally to figure out what’s lacking and to make a plan to bring you back into balance.  Could be basic nutrition, or it might be any one or combo of the following you could use some focus on:

* Food & Water
* Sleep
* Stress Management
* Exercise/Movement
* Relationships
* Spirituality
* Work

All these things feed you in unique ways, and if any of them are lacking, what happens?

You know what happens, you’ve lived it – you overeat.

If you want to do things differently, if you want to take control of your eating and enjoy all that life can offer, take my free quiz to learn how you can fill yourself up with the right kind of food and so much more.  Get Control of Your Overeating.

The goal is to move away from being told what/when/where you should eat toward an approach to food that’s fulfilling for you. So you can feel good about yourself and your choices.


There is a bidirectional relationship between how you eat and how you feel about yourself.

Dieting = Self-Judgement

Intuitive Eating = Self-Compassion

Jennifer Moore

Working with me is NOT for you if you’re looking for a quick fix weight loss plan that focuses on counting calories, work outs, or meal plans.

I’m Certified as both a Holistic Health and Intuitive Eating Counselor, as well as being a Licensed Nutritionist, and I’ve got a personalized, integrative approach to balanced eating that works.

​If you’re ready to move past diets and weight loss, ready to break free from beating yourself up about your food choices, your eating habits, and your body, I have a lot to offer you.

​My clients are able to break free from years of guilt and shame around food!

​I can show you how to eat and live intuitively with self-compassion more often than not (nobody’s perfect, it’s about progress, not perfection).  I have helped over a hundred people learn new habits so they feel confident about their food choices and good about themselves.

Today’s the day to start feeling better about yourself and your food choices.  Hoorah!

I’ll show you how to create a new approach to eating and new habits for living so you can have a healthy relationship with food for the long-term. You’ll be able to shift your focus away from the things you cannot change and put your efforts toward changing the things you can.

First things first.  You want to change your relationship with food…

​But what does ‘relationship with food’ even mean?

​At its most basic, food is fuel.  It’s an essential part of life. “Relationship to Food,” for me, means how we use food to relate to ourselves and the world around us.

Waffles with blueberries

Food is fuel, sure, but it’s so much more than that.

It’s how we celebrate, it’s community, it’s a coping tool.  But, for many people food becomes the only thing they know to turn to for all those needs and the drive for food gets out of balance and out of control.

When I first meet my clients, this is how they describe their relationship with food:

I eat when I’m not hungry.

I don’t eat when I am hungry.

I stop eating before I’m full.

I keep eating even though I am full.

A healthy relationship with food is one where you eat intuitively, intentionally, and you feel good about yourself.

As a Nutrition Counselor, my goal is to help you shift away from your destructive eating habits and move toward a healthy relationship with food.

If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired about the way you use food, and if you want to live peacefully in a world where you can enjoy all the good things food has to offer, this approach is for you.

You can choose nutrient dense foods for fuel, give yourself comfort foods when you need them, and truly enjoy the fun foods of holidays, celebrations, and family traditions.

This approach is not about weight loss.  If you’re reading this, it’s likely that weight loss isn’t going to get you any closer to feeling happy, joyous, and free.  This approach is about healing yourself and learning skills for living the kind of life that just losing weight cannot.

Although I don’t contract with any health insurance programs, I can provide a detailed “Superbill” with the necessary codes for you to submit to your insurance carrier.

Offices: Arlington, VA * Greenville, NC * Virtual Sessions available nationwide