“I’ve struggled with food obsessions and just overall confusion of how to act around food since I was a kid. Now I genuinely approach food differently. I feel like I understand the underlying reasons for “why” I was obsessing over food and I have the small behaviors and new belief systems to combat those things. I am able to genuinely know what foods I want, and why, and I’m able to turn foods down that don’t serve me well in a given moment. I feel that I am able to make decisions around food and before I honestly felt like I had no choice and lacked any sort of agency in what I ate or how much I ate.” – Kristen R.
“I appreciate that Jennifer’s approach is absolutely without judgment and very positive. She views everything as an opportunity and is completely focused on making these opportunities work for you. Her personal attention and customized program has been very helpful to me. I highly recommend Jennifer to anyone looking to improve their health in any way.” – Laura D.
“You were the first person I met who planted the seed in my mind that it wasn’t me who was failing my diet but my diet failing me, and that there is another way to live that doesn’t involve a constant fixation with weight.” – Sally F.
“I’m getting better at eating more mindfully and living more intentionally. Feeling better and living longer are more important than losing weight. It is possible to be large and pretty at the same time! You have helped me appreciate that everybody is unique, and what satisfies one person will be different from what satisfies me. You have given me permission to be me.” – Andrea H.
“The biggest testimony to Jennifer’s approach is that for the first time in my life I feel I have found a healthy, sustainable way to think about and eat food. I never feel deprived and I’m able to eat what I want in addition to what I need. My life is completely changed. Thank you, thank you!” – Mary L.
“I am being kind to myself, not focused on tracking anything, using movement for good vs punishment for what I ate, all food has a purpose and sometimes good enough is enough!!!!! Getting off the binge, starve, binge starve roller coaster… food has become a non-issue. What a relief!” – Amy S.
“Restricting (diets) don’t work. I can take care of myself through food in a way that nurtures me. That’s such a cool concept” – Katie G.
Ready to join these success stories?
“Original. Enlightening. A new way of thinking about food.” – Sara R.
“Jennifer has a very calm and light approach, with a sense of humor that always makes me feel comfortable discussing anything. We often talked about aspects of my life such as my career, relationships and spiritual condition and how these areas of my life were influencing my food choices. What I received from Jennifer was much more than I expected. The knowledge and guidance she imparted are helping me make new choices, emphasizing healthy nutrition and self awareness to improve my lifestyle.” – Claire R.
“You are a true gift in my life… my food choices and desire for healthy food have taken an incredible turn for the better. Thank you for bringing to my attention how important it is to eat right, exercise, and to live a healthy existence.” – Colleen P.
“I’m better able to associate how I feel (physically and emotionally) with what my diet has been and make the necessary adjustments. In a matter of a day or so, I am able to get back on track instead of continuing for weeks or even months eating poorly and feeling bad. I have a better sense of control not just over my diet, but my life in general.” – Carmen C.