Well, That’s Done

Sugar Season. Those six months between October and April during which I take in 90% of my refined sugar for the year. It starts with Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Christmas followed quickly by New Year’s Eve. Valentine’s Day. Easter. I was going to leave out March,...

Gettin’ Back Out There

This is one of the recipes! (close, anyway) Ok, I just put out my first newsletter in 8 years. I’d love for you to read it. It’s a quick read. There are some recipes. It’s free. It’s important to me. Please don’t make me beg. For the love...

Homemade vs Not

It’s the secret second slice that gets ya. I’m feeling pretty out of it. Dizzy. Foggy. My teeth ache and there’s a peculiar metallic taste in my mouth that I’m not quite sure how I can recognize since my tongue has the pins and needles of being asleep. They had donuts...