by Jennifer Moore, MS, CNS, LDN | May 15, 2019
Check it out: Jennifer’s newletter is so much fun! Click the link above!
by Jennifer Moore, MS, CNS, LDN | May 1, 2019
When making a salad, always use a bowl twice as big as you think you need. Too. Much. Salad.
by Jennifer Moore, MS, CNS, LDN | Apr 23, 2019
Sugar Season. Those six months between October and April during which I take in 90% of my refined sugar for the year. It starts with Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Christmas followed quickly by New Year’s Eve. Valentine’s Day. Easter. I was going to leave out March,...
by Jennifer Moore, MS, CNS, LDN | Apr 3, 2019
This is one of the recipes! (close, anyway) Ok, I just put out my first newsletter in 8 years. I’d love for you to read it. It’s a quick read. There are some recipes. It’s free. It’s important to me. Please don’t make me beg. For the love...
by Jennifer Moore, MS, CNS, LDN | Mar 28, 2019
It’s the secret second slice that gets ya. I’m feeling pretty out of it. Dizzy. Foggy. My teeth ache and there’s a peculiar metallic taste in my mouth that I’m not quite sure how I can recognize since my tongue has the pins and needles of being asleep. They had donuts...