Do you have food cravings that just won’t quit?
Do you find yourself ‘giving in’ to your cravings and then feeling bad about yourself?
Imagine not having to wrestle with cravings all the time.
How much better would your life be if you knew what your cravings meant
and how to handle them? This workshop will teach you how.
Whether you crave sweet, salty, crunchy or creamy foods,
it’s possible that there’s more to the craving than the need for a snack.
CLICK HERE to register!
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
6:00pm – 7:00pm
$30 per person*
(Note: the sign up form says “in-person”, but this is a virtual Zoom Workshop) (Also note: be sure you select 8/17 at 6pm) Forward to a Friend!
* Can you think of a friend who struggles with cravings? Invite them and enjoy half price for both of you. What fun! Click here so I can set you both up with the discount code.
Forward to a Friend!
Hi! I’m Jennifer. I want to help you heal your relationship with food. I believe you can move away from emotional eating and be able to trust yourself with food. With me on your team, you can look forward to being happy, joyous, and free of the guilt and shame that comes with overeating.
Let’s talk! The sooner the better. If you’re ready to feel confident and in charge of your eating,
now is the time.