
Mindful Eating: Cupcakes! Workshop

Mindful Eating: Cupcakes! Saturday, May 13 at 2pm, at 532 Yoga in Alexandria, VA (or live stream wherever you are) Well, you've probably heard of mindful eating workshops – they typically involve sucking on a raisin for an hour. That sounds horrible to me, so I...

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Are You Going to Eat That?

But that’s the way I’ve always done it! I love traditions. My favorite traditions aren’t always the typical ones, some of them are a little quirky. That’s what makes them special. At Christmas, for example, my family throws plastic balls at the Christmas tree to see...

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Can You Eat Your Way to a Better Life?

If your life isn’t where you want it to be, you might need a new approach to eating and living. Something holistic, something mindful, something grounded in self-compassion. Imagine if these were your words: “ I’m better able to associate how I feel (physically and...

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How You Eat: What it Says about You

In the last few newsletters I’ve focused on what Intentional Eating is. To recap, it’s an approach to eating that honors your inner-wisdom about what you need from food so you can make choices that take care of you without guilt or shame. The way you eat is a snapshot...

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Are You True to Yourself? (with food?)

Can you be honest with yourself? Is what you want and need acceptable to you? So often I’ve seen, in myself and the women I work with, a tendency to think that we’re wrong to take care of ourselves. Selfish, self-centered. Especially around food. We take in societal...

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There is a Better Way to Eat

Ever heard of Intentional Eating? Maybe not. I love the phrase, and thought I made it up, but a quick Google search reveals that lots of people use the term, which undermines my unique genius and is a total drag. But “Intentional Eating”, the way I use it, is an...

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I Like You! Intentionally.

Happiest of New Years to You! Hope all your holiday celebrations were fun, and that you’re looking forward to a New Year. Now, you’ve probably seen a whole lot of advertising and influencing recently for you to join a gym, do a cleanse, or take some supplements in...

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10% Anti-Diet Challenge

You might already be familiar with 10% Happier, the app that aims to help you get happier and be less stressed through meditation. They've got tons of guided meditations. Short meditations, long meditations, talks on various topics - there's a lot to choose from....

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Why Are You Eating?

Last week I met with my client, Leslie. She was feeling angry at herself, out of control with her eating, and defeated. In talking with her, I thought it would be good to do a little exercise. I asked her to think of something she ate the day before, to pretend she...

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Sugar Season!

Are you ready for it? Never mind, it doesn’t matter, because it’s already here. Sugar Season! From October through April, we’ve got at least one Sugar-focused and decadence-encouraging holiday every month. Insult to injury, our good friends at the grocery stores and...

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Fat is Not Your Fault – Things You CAN Change

Do you do it, too? Do you judge yourself – what you eat and who you are? From TV shows to social media influencers and, heck, from society at large, every single day you're told that you’re doing things wrong. And it hurts. How does this make you feel: If you have a...

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Fat is Not Your Fault: Part 2

When you look at your body in the mirror, do you only see the parts you don't like? Do you think that if you could only eat fewer calories (less ice cream), work out more (burn off the ice cream), and just be more disciplined (never, ever buy ice cream), that you...

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