
Tday Training Crunch Time!

Thanksgiving Crunch Time!!! The time is NOW! Consider yourself officially in training for Thanksgiving. What’s the goal of this training? Being true to yourself, eating what you really want, and having boundaries. Autonomy and agency around the way you eat....

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It’s Sugar Season!

It's Sugar Season! Happy Halloween! Scary yard decorations? Scary costume? Scary bowls full of candy? It’s begun – Sugar Season! Starting today (or back in August, when retailers started with it), it’s sugar and decadence for the next 6 months straight. Halloween,...

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TIP: The Best Way to Eat for Peace of Mind

Mindful Eating Amongst Friends There are lots of suggestions out there about how best to eat. Our diet-based culture – with the end game of having you manipulate your body shape and size - has given us a multitude of mantras telling us what they consider to be the...

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When you Diet: What Do You REALLY Lose?

What do you lose when you diet? Weight, right? You lose weight when you diet. That’s the point, yes? Unfortunately, if you were one of 100 people in a room who went on a diet, it’s likely you’d be one of the more than 85 who found that weight again. More than 85% of...

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But I Do Everything Like That!

It's Always the Same. how's that working out? There’s a great quote by the author Martha Beck: “How you do anything is how you do everything." I love that. Very deep, very spiritual, but alas, so very woo-woo. For me, I need more specifics. And since most everything I...

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Who Is the BOSS of You?

It might sound like a ridiculous question: Who is the boss of you? The obvious answer is “me”, of course. Say it again, with conviction: "I am the grown up in charge of me." But does that transfer smoothly to your food choices and the way you eat? To what foods you...

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Hanger: It’s a Real Thing! (but you knew that…)

Ever Been Hangry? Read on! First: ** Live and In Person! I'm so excited to be back doing live workshops. "Mindful Cupcakes", "Eating for Energy", "Why Are You Eating?", so many choices! Perfect for your office, yoga studio, faith-based community or social group!...

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Does Your Appetite Need Suppressing?

12 months ago I wrote about the fancy new weight loss drug "Wegovy". Well, here we are, a year later, and there's another new fancy drug in town, "Mounjaro". Both promise to help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and making you feel full. And even though my...

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You Really CAN Eat What You Want.

But What Do you Really Want? “If I ate whatever I wanted, I’d be big as a house and probably explode.” This is what a client told me last week. She’s struggled with her weight since she was a kid. She’s been on every diet ever known and feels like she’s failed all of...

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I’m Not Out to Kill You. Love, your body

I'm Not Out To Kill You Love, Your Body It’s been my party line for some time now that you can eat whatever you want. In response, my clients typically freak out and tell me that if they could eat whatever they wanted they’d faceplant in a bakery case and eat Bavarian...

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Your Weight won’t be in Your Obituary

View this email in your browser Your Weight Won't be in your Obituary First: Check out my new program! The Food and Moore Nutrition Counseling Program is up and running. It’s a 12-session, personalized program to help you improve your relationship with food so you can...

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Relationship with Food?

Every wellness practitioner in the world seems to be talking about the “relationship with food”. Even I ask potential and current clients, “What's your relationship with food?” Typically, if someone’s talking to me, the invariable answer is “Bad”. But what the heck...

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