
Fat Is Not Your Fault

In this 3-part series, I’m going to share with you some reasons that might explain why your approach to improving your health and changing your body is leaving you frustrated and unhappy. I’ll point out some things you cannot change (and how to practice acceptance),...

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KILL YOUR CRAVINGS! (a workshop)

Do you have food cravings that just won’t quit? ​ Do you find yourself ‘giving in’ to your cravings and then feeling bad about yourself? Imagine not having to wrestle with cravings all the time. How much better would your life be if you knew what your cravings meant...

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Round Peg In A Square Hole.

Did you read that right? Isn’t supposed to be “square peg in a round hole”? Meh. Either way, it's not working. You might be thinking, “What the sam hill is she talking about and what does it have to do with food?” Well, stay with me. I’m suggesting that we’ve all got...

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Deconstructing Cravings Workshop!

Do you have food cravings that just won’t quit? Do you find yourself ‘giving in’ to your cravings and then feeling bad about yourself? "Learn how you can prevent feeling disappointed and worthless after eating…" - Maryann Z, Arlington, VA Whether you crave sweet,...

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Does Your Appetite Need Suppressing?

Hiya and welcome to July! (Insert obligatory comment about the heat.) In other news, there’s been an exciting development on the prescription drug front. Turns out there’s this diabetes drug called semaglutide that, in elevated doses, has been associated with weight...

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Stress, Coffee, Group Workshop!

News Flash! Fruits and Vegetables are Good For You! So true, and in so many ways, but this latest study shows they reduce stress. Australian researchers assessed the fruit and vegetable intake and self-reported stress levels of 8,689 men and women aged over 25 and...

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Yoga and Cookies!

In the process of coordinating an intro to yoga and Mindful Cookies workshop! Stay tuned for details!

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Does Your Plate Make You Smile?

There’s a song I like that says: “This year’s felt like four seasons of winter.” Assessing this year to date, things definitely started off looking pretty grim, and that’s on top of the dismal entirety of last year. Until this past week, the jury’s been out on this...

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They’ve Got Big Bowls

What have they got that you ain't got? They got big bowls. Sweetgreen. Chipotle. Cava. What do they got that you ain’t got? They’ve got big bowls. Your homemade salads might look a little lackluster compared to theirs. And, in truth, it’s not the size of the bowl that...

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Sugar, Spring, Asparagus!

Reminder! Get off the Sugar Rollercoaster is this Wednesday! If you're constantly craving sweets and want to gain control over sugar without feeling deprived, join me for this virtual seminar. You'll discover what's behind those sugar cravings, learn ways to reduce or...

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Confession: Sugar (it was not sweet)

I Love Hot Cross Buns They come only once a year, and I get them on the Saturday before Easter from Pastries by Randolph in Arlington. Their Hot Cross Buns are a perfect puff of brioche with a shiny golden crust and a fluffy, flaky inside – so fresh it tastes cool on...

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Are Your Vegetables Clean?

The new list is here! Each year the Environmental Working Group puts out their list of the Clean 15, as counterpoint to their annual Dirty Dozen. Here is a link to their website, scroll down on the homepage to see the lists. If your favorite fruits and vegetables are...

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